Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An Ode to University

You know how they say, potentially great ideas can start in the classroom. If not, in your dorm room. Most companies began in university just like Mark Zuckerberg and his social networking site, Facebook. It is incredibly successful and I've become one of those people who check facebook ridiculous amount of times a day or stay signed on all day. Insomnia Cookies, started by UPenn students started baking and now have a cookie and milk delivery business to campuses. 

As a class project, we are tasked to write a blog primarily about advertising and marketing however, I will be adding in things that are current and that interest me. This blog could turn into a potentially good idea depending on how it goes and maybe be classified as an expert for a certain topic because of this blog. Who knows.... wish me luck!

Here's to start ups, failures and everything in between!

Any comments and ideas, I'd be glad to hear from you!!! :)


I also have a tumblr account you can check out:  http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/karinabruce 

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